New EIB Energy Policy: A Missed Opportunity

Brussels — The EU’s global leadership on climate change is set to take another blow if the European Investment Bank, the EU house bank and one of the world’s largest public lenders, adopts a future energy lending policy as presented yesterday to the public. The draft policy includes weaker standards for lending to coal plants [...]

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Face the future

A roundtable discussion on European public banks and energy lending “It’s your energy” goes the slogan of Electrabel, Belgian’s primary energy company. But of course that’s not true. If it was my energy, most of it would not be generated in the first place and what I used would not come from nuclear power plants, [...]

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When a public bank loses sight of the public interest

Originally appeared in the EU Observer - By Antonio Tricarico BRUSSELS - Last week an internal document was made public which revealed that the European Investment Bank (EIB) is seeking an exemption on the Financial Transaction Tax (FTT). After speaking out against US legislation regulating over-the-counter financial derivatives trading last year, it is the second time the EIB [...]

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New partner report - Impunity Inc.

ODG, our Catalonian partner released a new report: “Impunity Inc.” (PDF). It highlights the “super-rights” and “super-powers” of transnational corporations through three case studies. An interactive map visualises the different cases and their negative impacts. The publication describes the abuses and violations of fundamental labour rights taking place on a daily basis inexport-oriented garment factories working for [...]

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Eleventh hour for Europe’s bank to lead on climate change

Brussels — Ahead of next week’s expected release from the European Investment Bank of its final draft energy policy, CEE Bankwatch Network and Counter Balance are urging the EU’s house bank to ensure that its annual portfolio of EUR 70 billion is guided by a policy that enables Europe to meet its long-term commitments on [...]

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The G8, tax havens and the need to clean up our own “bank yard”

While the G8 leaders claim they are at war with tax avoidance, their own bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is involved in deals linked to offshore financial centres. Originally posted on the Bankwatch website by Anne-Sophie Simpere, MENA coordinator. Tackling tax avoidance was one of David Cameron’s priorities for the UK-hosted G8 meeting during [...]

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NGOs oppose European Bank’s plan to finance oil drilling in Egypt

Cairo/Brussels - On Wednesday 29 May, the European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD) will vote on whether to make a $40 million loan to Kuwait Energy to drill and extract oil inEgypt. Egyptian and international organisations are pushing the board of the public multilateral bank to reject the loan – or at least postpone [...]

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Tracking the records of development banks in the Middle East and North Africa: towards a new development paradigm for the region?

Launch debate and presentation of the report “The Great Middle East Beanfeast - How ‘Development’ Banks are Using Public-Private Partnerships to Carve Up the Arab Spring Countries” Remember the Arab spring, the wave of popular revolts that hit several Arab countries in 2011. They initially resulted in the ousting of cruel dictators and brought about [...]

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Revision of the European Investment Bank’s anti-fraud policy happens outside of political reality

BRUSSELS - On the 23rd of April the EIB will approve its revised anti-fraud policy. What should have been an open process taking into account current political commitments against tax evasion and money laundering and recent investigations by the European anti-fraud office OLAF into projects financed by the EIB, will turn out to be a [...]

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